Click on the picture to view the video!

I’m SO happy to be starting fresh into 2020! This new year is long overdue and I think I might actually have my head on straight going into it! We can only pray =)

ONE of my New Years resolutions is to get back to basics with the community. I have been absent quite a bit, and if not for the help in the group of 4 AMAZING Super Admins, YarnWars would not function as it does.

A shout out to my dear friends Jeri, Martha, Jan and Sharron (who is also my dear mother) for all of the work they do and for being there when I really needed people to lean on. LOVE and appreciate you ladies more than you will ever know! ♥♥

A few fun things I touch on in this video, first, you’ll meet me, the designer. I don’t usually put my face to screen, this is a hands on venture, YarnWars, and I prefer my hands to do the talking! BUT, because of all of the support I’ve received from the yarn crafting community over the last couple of years, whether it be support for my pattern designs or support from the loss of my dad and my husband in 2018, I’ve made a lot of new friends and I’ve felt so much love from this group, I wanted to personally thank you all through this video. (Click here to view the video)

I am also excited to be kicking this new year off with a yarn review from KnitPal.com along with another work-up of the Stormy Waters scarf pattern, one of my more popular patterns, BUT also a pattern that I got a little flack for, due to the darker colors I used in the video tutorial to work it up.

To tell you a bit about KnitPal.com, Casey, the founder had asked me to check out her yarn and tell me what I thought. I am so glad I did!

KnitPal.com specializes in sport team colors, they use the pantone color matching system to custom dye the yarn for your order! The colors come out beautiful and brilliant! Their fibers are biodegradable and every order donates 3 pairs of kids socks to the Children Emergency Center in the Pine Ridge Reservation! A gorgeous Merino wool from Peru along with an aMAZing cause!

It’s very important, if you are able, to support the small business to help keep them going, and when they offer such a quality, made with care and love product, AND give back to the community, it’s a no-brainer folks!

If you are interested in creating a special gift for yourself or someone you love with spot on team colors, visit KnitPal.com, and use the coupon code Colleen15 at checkout to receive 15% off of your order of $56 or more! Valid through 2/14/2020

This video is also going to give a bit of information regarding our upcoming Mini-Challenge contests in the YarnWars Facebook group! You don’t want to miss this!! CLICK HERE to view the video and learn more about participation in these fun group contests!

I AM LOVING being able to say and write 2020! How about you?!!

What is your New Year resolution?… Dare to share?!

Until next time…

Happy yarning dear fiber friends! See you soon! (Don’t forget to click on the photo above for a special message!)

~Colleen aka Crochaysie aka Chaysie Crochet

Feel free to tag me in the YarnWars Facebook group to show me your workup of this scarf or any one of my other patterns, or even if you just have a question! Facebook user name: Colleen Hays (group link just below!) Simple information will be included in written pattern to easily adjust size! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

SUBSCRIBE to my channel on YouTube for more fun FREE crochet patterns to come! You will be notified when new, HOT OF THE PRESS patterns & video tutorials are available!


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  1. Anna Parmelee January 14, 2020
    • admin January 15, 2020

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